The tide on Sunday was not much to speak of. I went to the river anyway, drawn by the feeling that maybe I would find at least one item I haven't found yet. Probably the dream of all Mudlarkers! Evening came early, and there was a dampness to the air. The tide didn't want to give up any lost treasures openly, and I resorted to a closer inspection of the foreshore. I didn't find much this time out, a scattering of china fragments, a couple of serviceable pipes, another marble, a couple of round objects, maybe cannon shot or musket balls, an old bone handle piece, part of a shoe?, and a few pieces of neat glass. However, I did run into a person of interest, whom is quite famous I would say in the Mudlarking world of London. You can see her blog at London Mudlark. I have corresponded with her over the last few months a few times, asking her advice and using her vast photo collection of Thames finds as a reference to educate myself on what exactly I am collecting. Below is the small, but sort of interesting finds of last weekend.
clay gaming ball or marble
two just right for colorado |
early shoe insole...ideas? |
odds n ends |
should have been up top..maybe a knife handle |
So envious! I found your blog by way of Julia's blog. A fellow American and I were in London in October. We tried our hand (our once and only time) on the South Bank near the Millennium Walkway. I found items similar to those you've posted, clay pipes, bits of ware, a couple of marbles, but my friend made the grand find of an Elizabethan coin, dated 1566. I love visiting the foreshore vicariously through you and Julia. Keep up the great posts!